Resources and activities for all

This page contains links to activities we have developed along with our partners. If you have any ideas on things we could include, please contact Anna Perman

Mock clinical trial

Have you ever wanted to take part in your own mock clinical trial? Click here for instructions on how to do so from home.

Photograph taken before social distancing measures were introduced.

Recreate Science

Our colleagues at the Centre for Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine at King’s College London have developed this activity to recreate images of stem cells using items from your own home. Below are some examples produced by our 2020 Summer School students. Take a look here and have a go at recreating your own.

An image of a neural rosette recreated using rocks and a spider plant

An image of organoids on a matrigel recreated using ink, paper and a strong light source.

An image of developing neurons recreated using fruit netting and marbles.

Stitch ‘n’ Stem

Stich ‘n’ Stem is a stem cell embroidery workshop takes place at the Centre for Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine. Download this pack to learn a new skill and learn about stem cell research in a fun & interesting way through embroidery.

Photograph taken before social distancing measures were introduced.