Frequently asked questions by patients and clinicians.

For Patients

What is CMD? Return to top

CMD stands for Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction. Oxygen is supplied to the heart muscle by a network of coronary arteries. These start as major blood vessels which divide into microvascular branches to supply heart cells. Any disruption of this blood supply hinders oxygen delivery to the cells, resulting in angina. Disease can affect the large coronary arteries (Coronary Artery Disease) but also the smaller branches. CMD is the general term used for dysfunction associated with small vessels supplying the heart. Visit BHF Heart matters for more information on microvascular angina.

What diagnostic tests can be performed? Return to top

A complimentary range of invasive and non-invasive tests are used to diagnose CMD. Most common currently is the coronary angiogram. This test uses small tubes to inject dye into the coronary arteries under X-ray. In addition, sensor tipped wires can assess blockages and microvascular function to diagnose problems. Non-invasive tests using an MRI scanner can also be used to assess coronary blood flow.

What treatment options are available for CMD? Return to top

Currently, medical therapies and lifestyle changes are used to help with the symptoms of CMD. One of our aims is to promote research which will find more targeted CMD treatments. Better diagnostic testing based on our standardised protocols will lead to more specific treatment options.

What should I do if I think I have CMD? Return to top

If you’re experiencing any chest pain, you must see your GP or medical practitioner immediately. If the pain is sudden and severe, dial 999. Your GP can refer you to a Cardiologist if your pain is heart related. Hospital testing can then be done to reach a diagnosis of your symptoms.

For Clinicians

How can I, or my centre, get involved in the NIHR-BHF workstream? Return to top

We would value your involvement. Please contact our NIHR-BHF Cardiovascular Partnership Manager at cvpartnership@nihr.ac.uk

How can I access the Workstream Standard Operating Procedures? Return to top

You need to register for a user account if you wish to access the SOPs. Please email cvpartnership@nihr.ac.uk to request registration. Once this is granted you will be able to access and download the full SOPs from the SOP page of this site.